Isabel Wedekind

About Me


Isabel Wedekind is an aspiring artist attending OCAD University to pursue her dream of becoming an art therapist. Wedekind believes that introspection and expression of the self is crucial for anyone and that art is a very enjoyable and beneficial way for someone to relieve inner obstacles. Wedekind’s practise consists of drawings and oil paintings, figurative work mostly, which convey a certain truth that one may find telling or emotional. Wedekind’s work has been featured in local newspapers and has taken part in art festivals such as Hamilton’s annual Supercrawl. Her goal through her work is to have her viewer feel less alone in this world. Art therapy is a field in which people explore self expression and in doing so can gain personal insight and develop new coping skills. After completing her bachelors in Fine Arts Isabel plans to take counselling courses and find a placement within a correctional facility.

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